
The philosophy of Riversbend is client centered

The residents play an active role in the decision making process of their programs. Our programs are structured, and yet, allow choices that preserve the residents’ dignity and promote their independence. Therefore, our program is behaviorally oriented. It is set up for natural, self-determining consequences in which the individual may be graduated to different levels of programming.

Supported Living

Residential Care

Supported Living/Residential Care is a program for the person who requires 24 hour care/supervision and may or may not be actively involved in rehabilitation.

Transitional Living

Community Re-Integration

Transitional Living/Community Re-Integration is a program for the person who may only require a minimal level of support, but yet still requires some accountability to be successful. This person may be utilizing therapeutic services.


Semi-Independent is a program for the person who still may require a moderate level of supervision and still may be participating in rehabilitation.

Day Programming/Outpatient

Day Programming/Outpatient may either be inpatient or outpatient services and is tailored to meet each individual’s needs. This program may also include the pre-vocational workshop as well as therapy and therapeutic activities provided by therapists and trained personnel.