Discharge Criteria

It is the policy of Riversbend Brain Injury Rehabilitation that discharge planning is addressed by the interdisciplinary treatment team. The team provides comprehensive evaluation and treatment with the goal of facilitating the resident’s reintegration into the community.


    1. Successful Discharge:
      • The resident has received maximum benefit from the program.
      • The resident has been evaluated by the treatment team and it has been determined that the individual no longer requires residential services due to the completion of treatment goals or by the consensus of the team that the goals will not be achieved in this program.
      • The resident has improved to a level that allows discharge to a different environment, supervised or non-supervised.
      • The resident, responsible party, personnel contributing to the resident planning, funding sources and all involved community agencies will receive a written notice of exit/discharge and reasons for the discharge.
      • No residents served by Riversbend Brain Injury Rehabilitation shall be discharged without a minimum of a 30-day written notice unless it’s an emergency discharge.
    2. Discharge with a Subsequent Transfer:
      • The individual has been evaluated by the treatment team and determined to require more intensive care in a different setting such as a psychiatric hospital or the individual, responsible party or other stakeholders have determined transfer to a different treatment facility is needed due to a resident’s choice of financial limitations.
      • The resident, responsible party, personnel contributing to the resident planning, funding sources and all involved community agencies will receive a written notice of exit/discharge and reasons for the discharge.
      • No residents served by Riversbend Brain Injury Rehabilitation shall be discharged without a minimum of a 30-day written notice unless it’s an emergency discharge.
    3. Discharge Against Medical Advice:
      • A resident who is their own guardian or their guardian wishes to discharge the resident from services against the advice of the treatment team and without adequate discharge planning.
      • The resident and/or guardian acknowledge that they are leaving the program against medical advice and are aware of the potential adverse consequences.
    4. An emergency discharge:
      • There is substantial risk to the resident due to the inability of Riversbend to meet the residents needs or assure the safety and well-being of other residents.
      • Substantial risk, or an occurrence, of self-destructive behavior.
      • Substantial risk, or an occurrence, of serious physical assault.
      • Substantial risk, or an occurrence, of the destruction of property.
        • Emergency discharge may occur before 30 days, however, there shall be a minimum of 24 hours’ notice before discharge.
        • The notice shall provide the reason for the proposed discharge alternatives to discharge that have been attempted, and the location to which the resident will be discharged, if known.
        • The resident and/or guardian will be requested to acknowledge receiving a copy of the Riversbend Brain Injury Rehabilitation admission and discharge policy.
        • If requested by the resident or guardian at the time of discharge, Riversbend will provide copies of resident’s records.
        • The Director will annually review the discharge criteria for continued appropriateness and will revise the discharge criteria in accordance with the mission and philosophy of Riversbend Brain Injury Rehabilitation.
        • The discharge criteria will be documented for public disclosure.
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