Our rehabilitation wing, located within our main office, has several private therapy rooms. These include an exercise/weight room, therapy pool and hot tub, all of which are handicap accessible. The pool and hot tub are equipped with water hydraulic lifts for smooth and safe transfers.
All services are outcome focused, and utilize positive, creative approaches when confronted with the challenges of rehabilitation and behavior. We strive for an interdisciplinary team approach where the members of the team work together towards a common goal.
Therapeutic Services
Clinicians provide services in Occupational therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Physical therapy, Recreation therapy, Music therapy, and Massage therapy. The therapy team works together to provide services to facilitate optimum progress.
Psychological and Behavioral Services
Behavioral Psychologist and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychologist on-staff with specialties in behavior analysis, behavior modification, cognitive restructuring and other cognitive change methods. Due to the immense importance this program has on developing skills in increasing independence, we focus on this service greatly. Supportive counseling services are also available for individuals and their families. Outpatient psychological services are also made available.
Vocational Services
Includes pre-vocational testing, vocational testing and supported employment. These services are a collaborative effort, which may involve a vocational counselor, occupational therapist, psychologist and employment-training specialist (job coach).

Therapy Gym
Our newest addition to Riversbend Rhabilitation is our state of the art therapy gym. Located at 2585 N. Euclid in Bay City, the gym features therapy equipment focusing on muscle reeducation, neuromuscular rehab, strength training, balance/gait training, pain relief, and much more.
The Biodex overhead harness and track system allows clients with limited mobility, balance, and strength to safely participate in gait training and balance exercises.